Ben Armstrong, also known as “BitBoy Crypto,” has recently openly supported a cryptocurrency token called $BEN. This move comes as no surprise to those who follow Armstrong’s work in the crypto space, as he has been a vocal advocate for the technology for years
The $BEN token was created on behalf of a group called Ben DAO made up of all Bens
Armstrong has stated that he hopes to use the $BEN token to build a community around his brand and to provide value to his followers. He has also emphasized the importance of transparency in the development of the token, stating that he will be providing regular updates on its progress and functionality. He also confirmed that he is not the creator of the token however much he supports it.

Overall, the launch of the $BEN token is an exciting development the coin gained over $15million market cap after Armstrong`s` tweet about the token. The token has created alt of controversy in the space as some people were calling Armstrong reckless for tweeting a “shitcoin” which can easily go to zero to millions of his followers of which some are newbies that could easily be rekt but on the other hand Armstrong’s reputation as a respected figure in the industry and his commitment to transparency and community-building make this a project worth keeping an eye on. As always, those considering investing in cryptocurrency should do their own research and proceed with caution.